Thursday, April 26, 2007

The pigeons

Today was a busy day. We have been go go go all day long. But in the midst of our crazy agenda, my toddler taught me an important lesson.....SLOW DOWN!

This afternoon we were at the park. Chloe is very timid and shy around strangers, she doesn't like to stray far from Mom. She is very content to sit on the sidelines and watch other kids play. At first it made me sad, as if she is left out. But that is what she enjoys doing, I guess. She loves the swings, and would swing all day long if she could. I was pushing her on the swing and she kept pointing to the sky and yelling "Bird! Yook, bird!" It was a pigeon, we have lots around here, so it was nothing out of the ordinary. A few minutes later, "Yook, bird!" And again "Yook, Mama, bird!" I acknowledged that it was a bird, and smiled at her excitement. Then a few minutes later she watched a bird peck along the grass, then take flight. Her voice was filled with amazement and she said very solemnly "Yook, bird fie, Mom." She watched it soar high in the sky until it was out of sight. "Wowwww!" She breathed.

Sometimes I wish I could see the world through a child's eyes. Everything is so new and amazing, colors are bright and vivid, every day things become extraordinary. It feels as though with age, everything becomes dull, ordinary, mundane, and boring. Birds ARE amazing. Even annoying pigeons.

She is so observant, it is amazing! The park is located near a busy street, and she pointed out the sounds of a motorcycle, a diesel truck, a semi, and the boom of a stereo system. But to me, it was just ordinary traffic noise. She pointed to the helicopter, then the airplane, then another bird in the sky, all of which I wouldn't have noticed. As we walked back to the car, she let go of my hand and knelt down to point at a tiny ant. If she hadn't pointed to it and said "Yook, goss bug!" I probably would have stepped on it and never known it existed.

Her deep, chocolate eyes are so full of life. They dance with excitement and sparkle when she laughs. She is so curious and innocent. The world is just a big giant playground for her to explore.

I wish I could shield her from the sorrow of the world. I want this innocence and wonder to last forever. But before I know it, she will be learning about war, violence, corruption, and pain.

Too soon, the joy and wonder of toddlerhood will end for her. I want to hold every moment that I have with this sweet child close to my heart and never forget it.


Nichole said...

Aren't they just amazing! I, too am sad about their growing up. I'm not ready for my little boy to become a big boy, or anything after that.

Corey~living and loving said...

Very beautiful post Julie! Thank you. I wish I could have been there with you girls!

Jennifer said...

Awww she is so sweet!