Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Life has been crazy. Hectic, insane, wild, nuts, busy.

I was horribly sick for about a week, and it is just barely starting to taper off. You know how it is when your actual cold is gone, but your nose still drips and your head lightly throbs for ages afterward? Yep, that's me. Both girls got sick too, so our house was pretty miserable for quite awhile.

In other news, I've started pulling my hairs out one by one. I'm down to a few patches of hair, and those are going later today. My little monster has been driving me to my breaking point. She is at this absolutely adorable stage where she screams bloody murder when I walk out of the room. Actually, she does it when I walk more than two feet away. Or when I set her down. Or when I stop talking to her. Or when I look at someone else. Or when I devote a fraction of a percentage of my attention on someone other than her. It is getting positively ridiculous.

Chloe has also started a lovely stage in which she can't ask for anything in a normal voice. Every single request must be issued in the highest, whiniest voice you can possibly imagine. And the word 'no' triggers the need to stomp her feet, throw herself on the ground and wail. That usually sets Ali off and she starts shreiking too, complete with crocodile tears. This is usually the point where I start yanking hairs out.

But things haven't been all bad. I started a scrapbook! I spent 20+ hours in the past few days working on my book. I have been meaning to do this for three years, and just barely started. I wouldn't earn a blue ribbon by any means, but at least I'm starting.

Although now the scrapbooking bug has bit me big time, and I want to go drop a G at the scrapbooking store.

So, screaming babies, whiny toddlers, sick Mamas, and not enough time/money for my new hobby. That's my life!


Anonymous said...

Oh I was just thinking about you! Well actually have been for a couple days now, but haven't had more than a minute lol.

I'm glad you guys are starting to feel better!

I've just been trying to remind myself someday they will be older & not want us anymore...how sad will that be!

Haha goodluck on the scrapbooking! I love to scrap but like you don't have near as much time or money to devote to it. In fact I am still working on Andrew's. I did find I did better with smaller themed books. I did one for Scott that was Daddy & Me from Andrew, but also included pics of him & his father.

Okay...so is it rude to leave this long of a freakin' comment! I miss you girl!! :)

Corey~living and loving said...

WOW girl...certainly sounds like you are having fun. LOL
I don't envy you all the crying and whining. Those are buttons for me. eeeekkkk.
I love scrapbooking, but I find I have spread myself too thin with all my hobbies...so I never make the time.
So good to read about you though. mIss you!

Meghan said...

Yay for the update!

I actually want to get into digital scrapbooking... but I barely have time to do blog entries. Have you tried Target for scrapbooking supplies? They have some great stuff at very reasonable prices.

Jules said...

Oooh thanks for the tip Meghan! I haven't tried Target, but I should. I am afraid to go in there, the bullseye sucks me in and I spend too much!

I really am loving the scrapping though, I didn't think I would. I like the digital too though. It's fun to do something creative with my hands since I don't sew or paint or anything like that.