Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday Ten

Ten Things That Have Happened in the 9 Months Since I've Blogged:

1. Chloe turned four and Ali turned 2.

2. The Hubs and I became The Ex and I.

3. Got a car, a roommate (cousin), fell down the stairs at work, took an ambulance ride, did all the everyday Mommy stuff and fell in love with life.

4. I graduated college.

5. I started working at a high school that I hope to teach at within a few years.

6. I laughed, smiled, joked, giggled, appreciated and enjoyed. A lot.

7. I realized that my 4 1/2 year old is quite possible the most charming child in the world!

8. I realized my 2 1/2 year old is quite possible the most irresistable character in the world!

9. I read a lot of books, wrote a lot of stories, did some puzzles, read some blogs, caught up on Tivo....you know, geeky things.

10. I became very zen and realized how damn good life is!!!

I've missed everyone, I hope to make blogging a regular part of my week now.


Mary Ann said...

Yay for blogging again!!!! Can't wait to catch up!

Samantha said...

I'm so happy you're blogging again! I'm missed your funny, witty posts! Sounds like you're busy, happy and doing well! I can't wait to see you and your beautiful girls again!

Corey~living and loving said...

YOu rock the "getting stuff done" party. :)

So glad to hear you sooooooooooooo happy!

Unknown said...

Well... round about every blog posts online don't have much originality as I found on yours.. Just keep updating much useful information so that reader like me would come back over and over again.camera cases