Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Journal

The day after I found out I was pregnant with Chloe, I went to the store and bought a journal. My first entry was a little unsure and hesitant, as my emotions were so raw and new. I wrote as if I was writing to a teenaged Chloe, and I planned on giving it to her on her 12th birthday. I put my thoughts, advice, dreams, and fears down on the pages of the journal, and I wrote it in faithfully every night. Towards the end of my pregnancy as things got busier, I wrote in it once a week. Then after she was born it tapered down to once a month, then once every few months. When cleaning out our bedroom on Sunday, I found the journal; the last entry I wrote was December 24th, 2005, two years ago. I couldn't believe I let so much time go by without writing to her. That night I wrote several pages in her journal, writing about the changes in our lives, and a few funny stories about her.

I also started a journal for Alivia. I wish I had started it when I was pregnant, but time just flew by too quickly. Her new journal is already filled with several pages, words of wisdom from her mom, advice, chit chat, stories and jokes. I can just picture her as a pre teen or teen, reading the journal and thinking about what her mom must have been like so many years ago. It's also a great place to write down all the cute mannerisms of the girls. I hope it is something they will treasure forever.

If I look back at my childhood, I think ages 12-14 were the toughest for me. So many changes occur, physical and emotional, the boy crazies set in, parents are annoying, friends cause drama, it's such a rough time for a girl! I know how much I would treasure something like that from my mother, and I truly hope my girls will feel the same about my words to them.


Mary Ann said...

How sweet. They will treasure their journals forever. I try to keep up with one on my computer. I find it easier to sit and type something really quickly rather than write. I'm lazy that way. I plan to put it all into a book one day for them.
I know what you mean about hard to keep up with writing. But even if you remember to write once every month it will eventually add up. That will be a treasured gift for your girls.

Anonymous said...

They will definitely treasure your journals Jules! Especially when times are tough & you aren't the one that they necessarily want to talk to they will know that way back when you were just like them!
Great idea...hope you can keep up with them! :)

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

I so want to do this. I started one for D that lasted about six months. :( I have no discipline, I tell ya!

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