Friday, June 15, 2007

Sweet baby!

Have you ever wanted to eat your child? Not in a cannibalistic way, but in a munchable, juicy, delicious way?

I just want to munch on her big round cheeks. I want to nibble on her roly poly thighs, and bite each teeny perfect toe.

Sometimes I have to grit my teeth really hard to avoid munching on her! She is so yummy!!!


Boricua in Texas said...

Of course! I always play munch on them.

Corey~living and loving said...

OH yeah...I hear you. I always say, "oh Makenna I could just eat you with a spoon!" :)

once when my niece was only 4 months old, I wanted to eat her up. I was pretending to munch on her bare belly, and I accidently bit her. SHe screamed. I felt so bad....but I had to laugh. Who accidently bites a baby? LOL Aparently ME!

Jules said...

Hahaha Corey! You aren't actually supposed to try to EAT the baby! LOL! Too funny.

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

I always wanted to munch on D when she was a baby - there was so much to munch! Hee hee hee!

Anonymous said...

Oooh just got finished munching on Ben---he's great!! :)

Kristen said...

I adore munching on my litte chunky monkey!

Mary Ann said...

I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes it is so hard to resist!

Nichole said...

lmao.....omg Julie, that is me!!!! When Max says "Max eat" meaning he's hungry, I tell him "No, mommy is hungry, she's going to eat Max"

Yeah. I'm a dork.